
TRIVIA NIGHT at HTG! event photo


Tuesday September 17th

Every Tuesday

Come join Challenge Entertainment at Home Team Grill EVERY Tuesday for our popular LIVE TRIVIA GAME NIGHT! Bring your friends and form a TEAM at your table, then answer questions together about sports, history, music, science, and many more - all while enjoying the night out!!! The game starts at 7:00pm every Tues - you don't want to miss it!

#Drinks #Fun @HTGthefan #ABetterNightOut #Trivia #TriviaNearMe #TriviaInRichmond #TriviaInVA #RichmondEvents #TuesdayTrivia

07:00 PM - 09:00 PM

2024-09-17 19:00:002024-09-17 21:00:00America/New_YorkTRIVIA NIGHT at HTG!Come join Challenge Entertainment at Home Team Grill EVERY Tuesday for our popular LIVE TRIVIA GAME NIGHT! Bring your friends and form a TEAM at your table, then answer questions together about sports, history, music, science, and many more - all while enjoying the night out!!! The game starts at 7:00pm every Tues - you don't want to miss it! #Drinks #Fun @HTGthefan #ABetterNightOut #Trivia #TriviaNearMe #TriviaInRichmond #TriviaInVA #RichmondEvents #TuesdayTriviaHome Team GrillHome Team


Thursday October 31st

Bring your best costume and join us on Halloween!

11:00 AM - 11:00 PM

2024-10-31 11:00:002024-10-31 23:00:00America/New_YorkHalloweenBring your best costume and join us on Halloween!Home Team GrillHome Team
Thanksgiving event photo


Thursday November 28th

Bring your friends and family by on Thanksgiving Day for a celebratory feast!

11:00 AM - 11:00 PM

2024-11-28 11:00:002024-11-28 23:00:00America/New_YorkThanksgivingBring your friends and family by on Thanksgiving Day for a celebratory feast!Home Team GrillHome Team